This is achieved through:
- Ongoing consultation with clients in terms of their care and support arrangements
- Immediate response to issues of safety, health, and personal crisis
- Appropriate ethnic, cultural and religious support
- Choice in terms of social, educational and training opportunities
- Identifying options that meet individual needs
- The protection of personal and confidential information
- Sensitive, supportive and pro-active input from support workers
- Promoting social inclusion through involvement with appropriate community groups, sports and leisure facilities, extra-curricular activities, and offering services in a non-discriminatory manner
- Promoting equality of opportunity
Green Acre Support Services acknowledges the need for our service users to maintain their own identity, cultural beliefs and customs, and will ensure that they are appropriately linked into places of worship and community groups.

Our Mission
Our main aim is to provide high quality support services to pws that enables them to be as independent as possible, having their voices and wishes heard. Their involvement in in all aspects of their care planning is a fundamental value of our organisation.

Our Vision
GASS understands the individual and varying needs of each person we support and there for do not apply a one side fits all approach. Our approach is more person-centred. We value each individual’s diversity and respect their rights to privacy, dignity and individuality.

Quality and Assurance Statement
Our trained staff and professionals will work collaboratively with the People We Support (PWS) to explore their life experiences with a view to empower them to strive for a positive outcome.
Green Acre Support Services Values
Our Care Staff & Security Checks
If you need to make a referral, please contact our admin team on 01480 731 244 or on our 24-hour service telephone: 07951 082 595.
In order for Green Acre Support Services to start the process of identifying the needs of a person, it is extremely important that we have background information so as to allocate a suitable property and further identify a suitable care support package. Green Acre Support Services understands that each case is unique and referrals cannot always be planned.
Therefore we encourage our clients not to hesitate to contact us in cases of emergency on the above numbers. Referrals are made by completing a referral application. This can be sent via email, info@greenacress.co.uk